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DOM templating made natural


Getting startedtop

An ist.js template looks like a tree of CSS selectors and text nodes, with embedded expressions delimited by double curly braces.

        h1 "{{ title }}"
        "{{ text }}"

You can deliver templates to the browser using a <script> tag.

<script id="example-template" type="text/x-ist">
            h1 "{{ title }}"
            "{{ text }}"

You can then call ist() with the content of this tag, or you can use ist.script().

var template = ist($("#example-template").html());
var template = ist.script("example-template");

You can also directly pass a string to ist().

var template = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"');

The variable template in the examples above is called a compiled template. Passing a context object to the render() method of a compiled template renders it into a DOM node tree.

var context = {
        title: "ist.js released",
        text: "ist.js has just been released"

var node = template.render(context);


Additionnaly, you can pass a DOM document as the second argument to render() to render nodes into an other document. This is mainly useful when using multiple windows or frames.

var popup =;
var node = template.render(context, popup.document);


Templates can include directives to change the way they are rendered depending on context content. Directives start with an @ symbol and take an expression as parameter.
    @if isAdmin
            a.adminZone "Administration zone"
    @each menuItems
            a[href={{ url }}] "{{ label }}"

The example above would be rendered with a context object similar to this one:

var context = {
        isAdmin: true,
        menuItems: [
            { url: "home.html", label: "Home" },
            { url: "news.html", label: "News" },
            { url: "contact.html", label: "Contact" }


Templates can also include comments and blank lines for clarity.

    /* Only display admin link if user is an administrator */
    @if isAdmin
            a.adminZone "Administration zone"

    @each menuItems
            a[href={{ url }}] "{{ label }}"

You can update what ist.js rendered by calling the update() method.

var context = {
        isAdmin: true,
        menuItems: [
            { url: "home.html", label: "Home" },
            { url: "news.html", label: "News" },
            { url: "contact.html", label: "Contact" }

var rendered = menuTemplate.render(context);

context.isAdmin = false;
context.menuItems.push({ url: "shop.html", label: "Shop" });

ist.js also allows easy single node creation using ist.create().

var myLink = ist.create("[href=#]");


Standalone usagetop

When loaded as a standalone <script> tag, ist.js registers as (or just ist).

var template = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"');

ist.js provides a noConflict() method to restore the previous value of if necessary.

var istjs = ist.noConflict();

// is now back to its previous value

AMD usagetop

You can use ist.js with any AMD loader.

require(['ist'], function(ist) {
    var template = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
        node = template.render({
            title: "Title"


ist.js implements the AMD plugin interface. You can store a template in a file with a .ist extension and directly load the compiled template using the plugin syntax. Note that ist.js adds the extension automatically.

require(['ist!path/to/template'], function(template) {
    var node = template.render({
            title: "Title"



Calling ist() with a template string compiles it and returns the compiled template.

var compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"');

Templates stored in a <script> tag are compiled when you get them using ist.script().

<script id="example-template" type="text/x-ist">
        h1 "{{ title }}"
        p "{{ text }}"

    var compiled = ist.script("example-template");

When loading templates with the ist! AMD plugin, what you get are also compiled templates.

define(['ist!path/to/template'], function(compiledTemplate) {
    /* ... */


Rendering a compiled template is done by calling its render() method. When your template uses expressions, you can pass a context object to use as an argument.

var compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
    rendered = compiled.render({ title: "Hello, world !" });

You can also pass a DOM document as a second argument when the rendered nodes are to be put in a separate window or frame.

var popup =,
    compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
    rendered = compiled.render(
        { title: "Hello, world !" },

The result from render() is a DOM DocumentFragment. If you are not familiar with them, a DocumentFragment is a transparent container node that can contain child nodes as any other DOM node, but that disappears once you insert it in an other node.

<!-- DocumentFragment content -->
    <h1>Hello, world !</h1>

<!-- Document content -->
<div id="container"></div>

<!-- After calling container.appendChild(fragment): -->
<div id="container">
    <!-- The fragment still exists, but outside of
    the document, and it is now empty -->
    <h1>Hello, world !</h1>

As such, you can directly insert what render() returns into your document.

var container = document.querySelector("#container"),
    compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
    rendered = compiled.render({ title: "Hello, world !" });



The DocumentFragment returned by render() has an additional update() method. If you keep a reference to the fragment even after having inserted it in your document, you can use this method to update the rendered nodes by passing it an updated context object.

var container = document.querySelector("#container"),
    compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
    rendered = compiled.render({ title: "Hello, world !" });

// <h1>Hello, world !</h1>

rendered.update({ title: "My Web App" });
// <h1>My Web App</h1>

You can also call update() without any argument, in which case it will reuse the same context object.

var container = document.querySelector("#container"),
    compiled = ist('h1 "{{ title }}"'),
    context = { title: "Hello, world !" },
    rendered = compiled.render(context);

// <h1>Hello, world !</h1>

context.title = "My Web App";
// <h1>My Web App</h1>

Template Syntaxtop

Node treetop

ist.js uses indentation to specify node trees, not unlike YAML and Python. All children of a same node must have the same indent. You can use spaces and/or tabs, but ist.js considers them different and will always look for strictly identical indents.


You can start a template with any indent and you may use different levels. All that matters is that sibling nodes have the exact same indent; thus, the first child node defines the indent to use for all its siblings.


You can use a different indent for nodes at the same tree level provided they are not direct siblings.



Blank lines and CSS-like block comments are allowed in templates. They can span multiple lines but you shouldn't add a node after a comment on the same line as it may make the node indent ambiguous.

/* Comment */
    div.child /* Comment */


    /* Multi-line
        comment */

    /* Error-prone
  */    div.child

Element selectorstop

ist.js uses a syntax similar to CSS3 selectors to specify elements. In general, selectors start with a tag name.


You can add qualifiers to selectors, for example id or class qualifiers.

You can also set attributes using an attribute qualifier (which has the same syntax as a CSS3 attribute value selector).


ist.js also allows setting properties on elements, using an attribute qualifier with a . prefix. You can also specify nested property paths (ist.js will create intermediate objects if necessary).


Qualifiers can be mixed in any order. When multiple id qualifiers, or multiple attribute qualifiers for the same attribute are present, only the last one matters. Spaces between qualifiers are not allowed.

When you want to create <div>s, ist.js allows omitting the tag name in selectors. Of course you will need at least one qualifier.


If you have many qualifiers, you may want to have them on separate lines to improve readability. You can escape newlines with a backslash to make ist.js ignore them. All spaces before the backslash and on the beginning of the following line will be ignored, but take care not to leave spaces after the escaping backslash.

.div-with-very-long-selector-qualifier-list#and-long-id \
    [and-long-attribute-list=value1][and-long-attribute-list-2=value2] \

Text nodestop

You can add text nodes in a template by enclosing text with single or double quotes. Text nodes cannot have children.


Text nodes can also be specified on the same line as their parent node; in this case they must be separated by at least one space.

h1 "Title"
h2      'Subtitle'

This does not prevent adding more children to the parent node. These examples produce the same result, though the first one may seem ambiguous.

div "Text content"

    "Text content"

Text nodes can contain escaped characters, including their delimiting quote.

    "you 'can' include \"escaped\" ch\x41ra\u0043ters"
    'you \'can\' include "escaped" ch\x41ra\u0043ters'


ist.js expressions can be used to include values from the rendering context in text nodes or element attribute and property values. They are delimited by double curly braces.

        a[href={{ url }}] "{{ label }}"

You can include any valid Javascript expression in an ist.js expression. All rendering context properties are accessible as variables in expressions, provided they are valid identifiers.

article[style=color: {{ read ? "blue" : "red" }}]
        "{{ title.toUpperCase() }}"
        "{{ \"don't forget escaping quotes\" }}"
    "{{ }}"

The rendering context itself is accessible as this in expressions, and thus these two examples are equivalent.

h1 "{{ title }}"

h1 "{{ this.title }}"

The this keyword is mainly useful to access properties that are not valid identifiers, using the square bracket notation.

"{{ this[12] }}"
"{{ this['weird property name'] }}"
"{{ this[\"typeof\"] }}"

You can define global variables that will be usable in any expression using"name", "value")."upper", function(text) {
    return text.toUpperCase();

Context variables with the same name will overwrite global variable, as you're used to in Javascript.

"{{ upper('will be uppercased') }}"

Expressions cannot be used inside id or class qualifiers, but you can use attribute qualifiers instead.

div[class={{ cssClass }}]
div[.className={{ cssClass }}]
div[id={{ id }}]

Event handlerstop

ist.js can associate event handlers to elements, using a similar syntax to attribute/property qualifiers, but prefixed with an exclamation mark.

    @each menu
            "{{ label }}"

The value after the equal sign must be an ist.js expression, without any curly braces, and of course it should return a function.

    menu: [
            label: "about",
            action: function() {
                alert("About this application");
            label: "quit",
            action: function() {
                location.href = "/";


ist.js directives allow controlling the rendering of templates depending on context content. The general syntax is as follows, where parameter can be any ist.js expression. Note that expressions don't need braces when used with directives.

You can also define your own directives.

    @directive parameter


You can use an @if directive to toggle rendering of a section of template depending on the value of an expression.

@if user.isAdmin
    a[href=admin.html] "Administration zone"

The @unless directive has the same goal, just reversed.

@unless user.isRegistered
    a[href=register.html] "Sign up now !"

The @else directive can be used just after a @if or @unless directive to match the opposite condition.

@if user.isAdmin
    a[href=admin.html] "Administration zone"
    "No admin zone for you :("

Context switchingtop

The @with directive allows context switching. When accessing the same part of the context repeatedly, you may want to use it to make the template more readable.

    a[href=/userpanel/{{ }}] "{{ }}"

    @with user
        a[href=/userpanel/{{ id }}] "{{ name }}"

The @with directive can also be used to hard-code some parts of the template.

@with { version: '0.5.4', built: '2012-11-20' }
        "ist.js version {{ version }} built on {{ built }}"

Array iterationtop

The @each directive allows rendering a section of template repeatedly for each element of an array. For every iteration, the rendering context is switched to a new element in the array.
    @each menu
        a[href={{ url }}] "{{ label }}"

The example above would be rendered with a context similar to this one.

var context = {
        menuItems: [
            { url: "home.html", label: "Home" },
            { url: "news.html", label: "News" },
            { url: "contact.html", label: "Contact" }


When using an @each directive, the special loop variable is set to an object with details about the iteration.

  • loop.index is the 0-based index of the rendered item in the array
  • loop.length is the size of the array
  • loop.first is true when loop.index === 0
  • loop.last is true when loop.index === loop.length - 1
  • loop.outer is a reference to the outer context object

@each array
    @if loop.first
        "First item"

    "Item {{ loop.index + 1 }} of {{ loop.length }}"
    " is {{ this }}"

    @if loop.last
        "Last item"

The loop variable hides any loop property on the rendering context, but you can still access it using this.

@each array
    "Item.loop = {{ this.loop }}"

Object property iterationtop

The @eachkey directive is very similar to the @each directive, but it loops over an objects own properties, setting the variables key and value.

@eachkey { home: "home.html", news: "news.html" }
    a[href={{ value }}]
        "{{ key }}"

When using @eachkey, the loop variable is set to an object with details about the iteration.

  • loop.index is the 0-based index of the rendered item in the array
  • loop.length is the size of the array
  • loop.first is true when loop.index === 0
  • loop.last is true when loop.index === loop.length - 1
  • loop.outer is a reference to the outer context object
  • loop.object is a reference to the enumerated object


The @define and @use directives can be used to define components (or what other templating engines also call macros). This enables reusing parts of templates. To define a component, use the @define directive with the component name as a parameter.

@define "article"
        h1 "{{ title }}"
        .content "{{ text }}"

The component name can be any string value. Any existing component with the same name will be overriden. You can then use the component with the @use directive.

/* articles should be an array of objects with title and text properties */
@each articles
    @use "article"

There is no direct way to pass a specific context to a component when @use-ing it, but you can use the @with directive to achieve the same.

@with { title: "My article", text: "Hello, world !" }
    @use "article"

External template inclusiontop

The @include directive enables including an other template that will be rendered using the current rendering context. When using <script> tags, you can pass an ID as a string to the @include directive. Note that the order of definition of <script> tags does not matter.

<script type="text/x-ist" id="menu">
        @each items
            @include "menu-item"

<script type="text/x-ist" id="menu-item">
        a[href={{ url }}] "{{ label }}"

<script type="text/javascript">
    function renderMenu() {
            { label: "Home", url: "index.html" },
            { label: "News", url: "news.html" },
            { label: "Contact", url: "contact.html" }

When using an AMD loader, you can also load modules from other files when your templates are loaded with the ist! plugin syntax. Simply pass their relative path as a string parameter to @include. You can omit the .ist extension.

/* templates/ */
@include "common/header"

    "Main content, yay!"

@include "common/" /* Extension is optional */

/* templates/common/ */
    h1 "My Website"

/* templates/common/ */
    "Copyright (c) 2012 My Company"

When loading a template file with the ist! AMD plugin, @included templates are automatically loaded as dependencies.

require(['ist!templates/main'], function(mainTemplate) {
    /* templates/common/{header,footer} are added as AMD
       dependencies to 'ist!templates/main', and thus
       are loaded automatically */

    mainTemplate.render(/* ... */);

When a template is loaded from a string or a <script> tag however, any @included template must be either an other <script> tag ID, or an already loaded AMD module name.

<script type="text/x-ist" id="main">
    @include "included-template"

The "included-template" module name above may resolve to an ist.js compiled template.

define("included-template", ["ist!some/template"], function(tmpl) {
    return tmpl;

require(["ist", "included-template"], function(ist) {
    ist.script("main").render(/* ... */);

It may also resolve to a template string.

define("included-template", [], function() {
    return "div\n  h1 'included content'";

require(["ist", "included-template"], function(ist) {
    ist.script("main").render(/* ... */);


Partials enable you to access part of a template as if it were an other template. This is often useful for arrays rendered using and @each directive that you need to update.

Partials are declared with the !name notation next to an element.

    @each tweets
        /* Tweet partial */
        div.tweet !tweet
                "@{{ author }}"
                "{{ text }}"

Partial names must be specified last on an element line, and must be preceded by at least one space or tab character. If an inline text node is present, the partial name must be placed after it.

They can be accessed using the partial() method of a compiled template, which takes the partial name as argument. It returns the first matching partial, which can be manipulated as any other compiled template.

var myTemplate = ist(...);

function initialRender(tweets) {
        myTemplate.render({ tweets: tweets });

function addNewTweet(author, text) {
    var container = document.querySelector(".liveTweets"),
        partial = myTemplate.partial("tweet");

        partial.render({ author: author, text: text })

Single node creationtop

ist.js provides a shortcut "single node" creation interface that support the same syntax as full template files. Just call ist.create() and pass it an element selector.

var myDiv = ist.create(

It also supports rendering with context.

var myDiv = ist.create(
        "div[class={{ cls }}]",
        { cls: 'myclass' }

ist.create() is also able to create several nodes at once using a CSS-like angle-bracket syntax.

var myParentDiv = ist.create(
        'div.parent > div.child > "{{ text }}"',
        { text: "Text node content" }

And you can even use directives.

Please note however that create has a quite naive angle-bracket parser, and as such does not support angle brackets anywhere else than between nodes. Therefore you should only use it for trivial node tree creation.

var myParentDiv = ist.create(
        'div.parent > @each children > "{{ name }}"',
            children: [
                { name: 'alice' },
                { name: 'bob' }

Finally, you can create nodes in an alternate document by passing it as third argument.

var popupDiv = ist.create(

Custom directivestop

Definition and syntaxtop

ist.js allows defining custom directives, and built-in directives are actually defined the same way. If you're used to handlebars block helpers, you'll find that ist.js directives work in a very similar way.

A directive helper is registered by calling ist.helper() and passing it a directive name (case-sensitive) and a helper function.

/* Helper for '@foo' */
ist.helper("foo", function(context, value, template, fragment) {
    /* Do stuff */

The arguments passed to helpers are:

  • context: a Context object for the outer rendering context, ie. the value of the rendering context where the directive is called;
  • value: the value that is passed as an argument to the directive; this argument is undefined when no parameter is passed;
  • template: an ist compiled template that enables access to nodes defined as children of the directive;
  • fragment: a DocumentFragment where the directive should render nodes. When updating a previously rendered template, it contains all nodes the directive rendered; otherwise it is empty.

Here are some example calls to @foo with the parameters the helper receives:

@with { hello: "world" }
    /* @foo called with a parameter, the handler receives:
        - context: a Context object for { hello: "world" }
        - value: "world"
        - template: a compiled ist template for
    @foo hello

    /* @foo called without a parameter, the handler receives:
        - context: a Context object for { hello: "world" }
        - value: undefined
        - template: a compiled ist template for

To create nodes from a directive helper, you should not use document or any of its methods, as you don't know which DOM document your directive will be used to create nodes in. You can use helper properties and methods of the context argument instead.

/* Always create a text node containing the value passed as argument, ignoring
   children template nodes */
    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        var node = context.createTextNode(
                value || "no value passed to @echo !"


Handling updatestop

When rendering a template, the fragment argument to directive helpers is empty. However, when updating, it contains previously rendered nodes. When the helper returns, whatever the fragment contains will be added to the rendered node tree. It is up to directive helpers to decide what to do based on the fragment contents.

A naive approach to handling node updates is to just empty the fragment and render nodes in all cases. This approach works, but it is not very efficient. Here is how the @echo directive above could handle updates using this approach.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        /* Empty the fragment first */
        while (fragment.hasChildNodes()) {

        /* Render node */
        var node = context.createTextNode(
                value || "no value passed to @echo !"


A better approach is to reuse already rendered nodes and update them.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        var node = fragment.firstChild;

        if (!node) {
            /* No previously rendered node available */
            node = context.createTextNode("");

        /* Update node content */
        node.textContent = value || "no value passed to @echo !";

Helpers that render templates need access to the rendered template update() method when updating. Therefore they need to save the rendered fragment returned by calling render() and retrieve it when updating. The fragment argument to helpers comes with two additional methods to help with that:

  • fragment.appendRenderedFragment(rendered) appends the contents from rendered (just like calling fragment.appendChild(rendered)) to the fragment, but also saves rendered itself for later retrieval.
  • fragment.extractRenderedFragment() looks for a previously saved rendered fragment, and returns it. When no rendered fragment has been saved, it returns undefined. Otherwise, all previously rendered nodes are removed from fragment and returned in the resulting rendered fragment. In that case, you will need to re-append the nodes to fragment after updating.

Here is an example showing how this works with the @with directive.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        /* Retrieve previously saved rendered fragment */
        var rendered = fragment.extractRenderedFragment();

        if (rendered) {
            /* A rendered fragment was found, update it */
        } else {
            /* Nothing was saved, render the template */
            rendered = template.render(value);

        /* Put nodes back in the fragment */

When a helper renders multiple templates at once, you can pass an additional key argument to both appendRenderedFragment and extractRenderedFragment to distinguish them. Keys can be any Javascript value.

Here is an example of a doubleWith directive that renders its inner template twice and is able to update correctly.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        var first = fragment.extractRenderedFragment("first"),
            second = fragment.extractRenderedFragment("second");

        if (first) {
        } else {
            first = template.render(value);

        if (second) {
        } else {
            second = template.render(value);

        fragment.appendRenderedFragment(first, "first");
        fragment.appendRenderedFragment(second, "second");

You may throw exceptions inside helpers. Those exceptions will be reported with some added context data (including which template and which line it occured on). Here is a more robust version of @with.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        if (!value) {
            throw new Error("No data passed to @with");

        /* Retrieve previously saved rendered fragment */
        var rendered = fragment.extractRenderedFragment();

        if (rendered) {
            /* A rendered fragment was found, update it */
        } else {
            /* Nothing was saved, render the template */
            rendered = template.render(value);

        /* Put nodes back in the fragment */

Context objectstop

Directive helpers receive Context objects to encapsulate rendering contexts as well as the DOM document where templates are rendered. The following members give access to the DOM document where the template is being rendered:

  • Context.doc is a reference to the DOM document where the template is being rendered;
  • Context#createDocumentFragment() is an alias to the same method of the target document;
  • Context#createTextNode(text) is an alias to the same method of the target document;
  • Context#createElement(tagName[, namespace]) is an alias to either createElement or createElementNS on the target document.
  • Context#importNode(node) is an alias to the same method of the target document

/* Creates a <div> with a text child node containing
   the value passed as a  parameter, ie @divtext "foo"
   renders to <div>foo</div>.

   Note: for the sake of simplicity, this example does
   not handle updates */
    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        var div = context.createElement("div");
        var text = context.createTextNode(value);


The following members can be used to create new contexts and access their value:

  • Context.value contains the value wrapped by the Context object.
  • Context#createContext(newValue) returns a new Context object with the same target document but a new value.

    function(context, value, template, fragment) {
        var testValue = { foo: "bar" },
            ctx = context.createContext(testValue);

        assert(testValue === ctx.value);

And finally, the following members can be used to change the way expressions are evaluated:

  • Context#pushScope(scope) pushes properties of the scope object on the scope used when evaluating expressions, possibly hiding previously existing variables with the same name (from previously pushed scopes of from the rendering context).
  • Context#popScope() undoes what pushScope did, popping the last pushed scope object.
  • Context#pushValue(value) (documentation pending)

    function(outer, inner, template, fragment) {
        var ctx = outer.createContext({ foo: "bar" });

        assert(ctx.evaluate("foo.toUpperCase()") === "BAR");

        ctx.pushScope({ foo: "baz", hello: "world" });
        assert(ctx.evaluate("foo.toUpperCase()") === "BAZ");
        assert(ctx.evaluate("hello") === "world");

        ctx.pushScope({ foo: "ding" });
        assert(ctx.evaluate("foo.toUpperCase()") === "DING");
        assert(ctx.evaluate("hello") === "world");

        assert(ctx.evaluate("foo.toUpperCase()") === "BAZ");
        assert(ctx.evaluate("hello") === "world");

        assert(ctx.evaluate("foo.toUpperCase()") === "BAR");


This documentation was last updated for ist.js version 0.6.6.